The initial thing that comes to our mind is that it is damaging and requires to be kept away from when we believe about alcohol or alcohol dependence. People consume drinks for any number of purposes, and if they don't step back at the right time, it can result in alcohol dependence. The beginning phase of this is slow-moving and can not be evaluated until there are some warning signs from the habits of an alcoholic.--------rasputin

* Dependence:

In spite of regular counseling by a doctor and a positive determination to quit drinking, if one is still not able to quit the drinking, it is also a warning symptom of alcoholism. Fierce urge for alcohol in the morning additionally gives an idea about the level of dependence.

* Drinking Secretly:

People often drink alcohol in order to get rid of their tension or despair, and they accomplish this by drinking in a place where no one can watch them. They also use alcohol consumption as a method of reducing mental pressure, dissatisfaction, and isolation.

* Damaging Credibility:

If you are being called an alcoholic by people, you should step back from drinking alcohol, as it might ruin your credibility at home and trigger arguments and hostilities. It might also trigger problems with buddies and/or disputes at the workplace. You are heading in the direction of alcoholism if people think negative about you due to the fact that of your drinking patterns.

* Looking for a chance to Drink:

If you invariably find a means to drink, you are most likely an alcoholic. If your buddies talk about going to a party, outing, or an over night stay, and the initial thing that enters your thoughts is the accessibility of alcohol or an excellent option to consume alcohol, it is also a red flag that you are getting dependent on it.

* Change in Conduct:

Persistent alcohol drinking can have a damaging effect on your body along with your brain. An alcoholic starts getting irritated and angry for little or no reason whatsoever. Low self-esteem, shaky hands, and some weakness are also symptoms of a drinking problem. There are some incidents which take place due to drinking that relate to violence, like street-fights and physical abuse in the home. Some typical symptoms of alcohol dependence are low appetite, temporary loss of memory or failure to remember things, unconsciousness, sleeping disorders, loss of command over body, and weight-loss.

* Hidden Alcohol:

If you are terrified of showing your liking for alcohol to people and hide it in places like the car or truck, your personal closet, restroom, etc., it also implies that you are becoming dependent to it.

Wasting Lots of Time at the Tavern:

It is also a symptom of alcohol addiction if you while away longer time at the bar to drink than you did previously.

* Less Interest in Leisure Activity:

A person that is on the edge of being an alcoholic would unfailingly show less interest in a pastime or any kind of constructive activity.

* Neglected Appearance:

An individual who starts consuming alcohol would care less about his/her body posture, personal hygiene, and grooming. Such kind of detrimental factors are also signs that connect to alcohol abuse.

* Career Issues:

Warning indicators of alcoholism can also be identified by things like unsatisfactory work productivity, blaming others for their own mistakes, missing out on important meetings and scheduled appointments, issues at work due to hangovers, and arriving late for work very often.


When we think about alcohol or alcohol dependence, the initial thing that comes to our mind is that it is bad and needs to be avoided. People consume drinks for numerous different reasons, and if they do not step back at the right time, it can bring about alcohol dependence. Despite regular therapy by a medical professional and a positive determination to give up drinking alcohol, if an individual is still not capable to quit the consumption, it is also a warning symptom of alcohol addiction. If people think bad about you because of your alcohol consumption practices, you are heading towards alcohol addiction.

Some common symptoms of alcohol addiction are low appetite, short-term loss of memory or inability to recall details, unconsciousness, insomnia, loss of command over body, and loss of weight.

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